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🦭 In-place MariaDB upgrade


This procedure is highly discouraged as it may lead to serious data loss.

Take advantage of the zero downtime migration tool to get those sites over that need the newer MariaDB release while evaluating the impact it can have.

If you still chose to proceed with an in-place migration, make sure your data is backed up before proceeding.


  • [ ] Set maintenance window
  • [ ] upcp -sb 1 hour before maintenance, to make sure everything works
  • [ ] Do all steps in exact order
  • [ ] Take notes on behaviour


# Temporarily disable Monit
systemctl stop monit.service

# Set new MariaDB version
cpcmd scope:set cp.bootstrapper mariadb_version "10.11"

# Make a copy of the repo definition
mysql -v
cat /etc/yum.repos.d/mariadb.repo
mv /etc/yum.repos.d/mariadb.repo{,.bak}

# Install new MariaDB version
upcp -sb

dnf update -y

# Perform a backup of all databases
mysqldump --opt --all-databases --routines --events -r /home/all-$(date +%F-%T).sql

# Stop MariaDB service
systemctl stop mariadb.service

# Look up newest MariaDB-server version, and install it
rpm -e $(rpm -qa | grep -i '^MariaDB-server')
dnf install MariaDB-server-10.11.2-1.el8.x86_64 -y

# Fix logs permissions
chown mysql /var/log/mysql

# Start MariaDB service again
systemctl start mariadb.service

# Perform the upgrade using MariDB's utility
mysql_upgrade -f -k --upgrade-system-tables

# Make sure the service is properly running
systemctl status mariadb.service