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🐘 Install PHP PECL modules


Modules are defined in bootstrapper's scope via pecl_extensions var.

# Get defined PECL modules
cpcmd scope:get cp.bootstrapper pecl_extensions
# Define new PECL modules
cpcmd scope:set cp.bootstrapper pecl_extensions '[imagick,igbinary,redis,memcached]'

After setting pecl_extensions to be installed, you should actually install them.

# Build all modules
upcp -sb php/install-extensions
# Build all modules for Multi-PHP installs
cd /usr/local/apnscp/resources/playbooks
ansible-playbook bootstrap.yml --tags=php/install-extensions --extra-vars=php_version=7.4 --extra-vars=multiphp_build=true

Custom build flags

There may be some cases that require custom build flags to be used during build, such as compiling redis with igbinary compatibility (required i.e. when using Object Cache Pro on WordPress).

To build PECL modules with custom flags, you'll have to use the dense format as scope input:

cpcmd scope:set cp.bootstrapper pecl_extensions '["imagick","igbinary","zstd",'\''{"name":"redis","flags":"--enable-redis-igbinary --enable-redis-zstd","extension":"redis"}'\'']'

Specifically, the chosen configuration for the redis module is:

	"name": "redis",
	"flags": "--enable-redis-igbinary --enable-redis-zstd",
	"extension": "redis"

This will result in redis being built with igbinary as a serializer, and zstd as a compression algorithm.

Escaping quotes can become elaborate very quickly. Refer to original docs for guidelines and pay maximum attention.

Once the extensions to be installed are defined, proceed with building the modules or rebuilding them if previously build:

upcp -sb php/install-extensions
upcp -sbf php/install-extensions # Force / rebuild

Installing PHP modules

Learn more about dense format option.